Ogre Client Update (Version

The latest update to the Ogre client brings more improvements to the UI and a new default key layout more closely matching the classic client. If you’d like to try out the Ogre client, the download link is on the Play page, at the end.


Meridian 59 Ogre Client

Meridian 59 Ogre Client


  • All information regarding the UI windows (chat, inventory etc.) is now saved and is restored when the client opens.
  • Added more high-resolution room textures.
  • Added smart target selection for several actions like ‘buy’ or ‘get’. These work without a target now (uses closest in front instead, like in classic client). Also, trying to loot with an unlootable target will now popup the loot-list and trying to buy from a current target, which has no offers, will popup the offers from the closest NPC instead (if any).
  • Fixed an issue with sounds sometimes playing incorrectly at full volume briefly.
  • Added new white minimap dot for players which have PvP fully disabled, and fixed the display of the light-blue minimap dot for temp-safe players.
  • Adjusted the default keybinding to better match the classic client (and the in-game descriptions on signs in Raza).
  • Changed the UI font (headings) and colors to a more medieval theme.
  • Added utility spells (blink, meditate, phase and conveyance) to the default hotkeys. More spells can be added by dragging spell icons to the hotkey bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • Improved the look of the UI windows, especially the main stats (health etc), enchantments and chat windows which now have better contrast and bordering.


Meridian 59 Ogre Client


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